It was supposed to be the end of the world on 10/21, according to California end-times prophet Harold Camping. The previously-scheduled end of the world was last May or thereabouts, and the event was kind of a washout. Including this recent one, that’s four times now that ol’ Hal has been wrong. You gotta admire the perseverance on that boy.
The aggravating part is that on 10/21 I’d finally got my act together to put up a new blog post. Some mildly clever stuff about how, if Camping turned out to be correct this time you wouldn’t have time to read the new novel.
Then came the technical difficulties.
My blogcast account wouldn’t let me sign in.
Eventually I gave up and contacted GoDaddy tech support. Who told me, four times over two days, that what I needed to do was sign in and change my password.
Great sense of humor, those tech guys.
No thanks to them, here I are.
The even better news is – it’s not the end of the world. Which means you actually do have time to read the new novel.
Oh, yes. Almost forgot. I finally finished What is the Meaning of All This? Having lost enough money and gotten too many headaches the last time around, getting The Great American Desert printed, I decided to put it out as an eBook.
The conversion to Kindle format turned out to be much more difficult than it ought to have been, but Anna, my dance partner and graphic design ace, fought the good fight and won. For which I will be eternally grateful.
The talented Anna, by the way, can be seen in the lead role of Girl in the hit YouTube video Tango Deliverance.
I’ll have to write a blog entry about the making of that particular extravaganza one of these days. I’ll have to write lots of blog entries if I hope to ever catch you up on all the stuff that’s been going on here at Rolf Industries. For now, I’ll just finish, for a change, what I’ve started:
The Iconoclastic Press division of Rolf Industries has published, on Amazon, an eReader edition of What is the Meaning of All This? Whatever it means, it’s available at Amazon in Kindle format, which can be read on any Kindle, iPhone, iPad, Android device, BlackBerry, Windows Phone 7, Mac, PC, or web browser with their free Kindle Reading Apps. Here’s a link to where you can read a quick blurb, download a sample, and buy a copy:
If you like it, do consider posting a review on Amazon. Also, tell your friends. Post it on your social networking site of choice. Start a movement.
And, until the end of the world catches up with us, tune in again. Watch me figure out how to get this vehicle back in motion.