Sir Perceval is most traditionally the hero of the grail quest, although in some versions the hero is Sir Galahad, and according...
What is the Meaning of All This?
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Been There, Wrote That
The 17th already? And only the second blog entry for the month. Caramba. What a lackadaisical blogger I am. It was easier to...
Is it a Religious Book?
That’s what a potential customer, her eye on the title, asked the other day. She was not, she warned me, religious. No, I...
Historical Perspective
In response to my 11/27 post, a concerned reader writes: “And yet a little historical perspective is in order. Making a living...
Technical Difficulties, Not the End of the World
It was supposed to be the end of the world on 10/21, according to California end-times prophet Harold Camping. The...